An Unappreciated Feature of Medium

I Use it, and You Should, Too

Robyn Sinead Sheppard
2 min readNov 14, 2022
Clipart picture of a bell
Clipart picture of a green bell

I’m talking about the little bell at the top of the page. Sometimes it’s an outline, and sometimes it’s green. If it’s green, it means there’s a message for you. And sometimes the message is that somebody new started following you.

Why is this important to me? It’s not only because it means I have a new follower; it means so much more than that.

One thing it means is that someone found what I have to say to be important. Enough so that they want to follow me to see what else I have to say. That’s all I know about them unless I take the trouble to look at their Medium profile — which is something I rarely do. No, not at this stage in our budding relationship, at least.

It also means that there was something I wrote that sparked a response in them. We have that much in common, and if we have that much in common, what else might we share?

And so I follow them back. It’s only polite; after all. They took the time to read what I had to say, so reading what they have to say is the least I can do. It’s also why I spend the better part of an hour reading on Medium before I even think about writing anything.

Finally, I measure my own success on Medium not by how many followers I have but by how many people I follow. I…



Robyn Sinead Sheppard

A happily retired technical writer, I write in order to understand what I'm thinking.