Julia SeranoWhat Is a Woman? (a response)Last month, I received an invitation to participate in a public debate about “gender and the definition of what it means to be a woman.”…Sep 27, 202341Sep 27, 202341
Julia SeranoMasculinity, Femininity, and MeaningsI experienced a weird confluence of events over the last 48 hours. Over the weekend, I listened to the Know Your Enemy podcast episode…Jul 11, 20236Jul 11, 20236
Julia SeranoUnderstanding the Anti-Trans Parent MovementAnd Recognizing the “Concerned Parent” TropeMay 31, 202339May 31, 202339
Julia SeranoGender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth Is Neither New nor Experimental: A Timeline and Compilation…NOTE: this essay is a 15 minute read. If it’s listed as longer than that, it’s because it contains a list of over 100 references at the…May 16, 202319May 16, 202319